Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Run 365 Eve! RSD364

As I'm laying in bed on the eve of day 365 with a sore knee and pain in my lower back, I can't help but think. Think that I only have one more run to go. Think of the previous 364 days and how many great runs I've had. How many times I wanted to sleep in or simply go to bed before the days run and just call it quits. 

Everyday hasn't been the best, fastest or most competitive run. But everyday has been a run. Whether it be one mile or many miles I was able to stick to my guns and go out there and accomplish my goal. My resolution I suppose. 

I encourage everyone to find their mile. Whether that be saving money. Buying a house. Losing weight. Whatever it is. Make sure that you can look through January and February and see your goal through till the end. Something that you can chip away at everyday and make progress towards every single day. I've learned so much throughout this venture and I wouldn't trade it for the world!  If this has taught me one thing it's been perseverance and a feeling that I can truly accomplish anything. Thanks for reading. 

Find your Mile. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015


As I head out for run streak day 339 I can't help but feel thankful for the ability and support to venture on this journey. It's been challenging. I've run in hotel fitness centers, foreign countries, up and down stairs, in a Las Vegas parking lot and in a damn airport. I've run 4 half marathons 1 full marathon a trail duathlon and a handful of 5k races. Through it all I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about throwing in the towel. Thinking, What do I need to run 365 days in a row for?  What do I have to prove?  I can always run again tomorrow. Is this even doing anything for me? 

It is doing something for me.  It challenges me. It allows me to dig deep and find passion and perseverence within.  It makes me feel as if I can accomplish absolutely anything.  If I was to give up on this goal and justify it with whatever reason I see fit then where else in life am I giving up?  I won't allow it. With only 26 days remaining failure is not an option. I will make this the best 26 days of running I've ever imagined. 

With that said. I'm off to enjoy #rsd339 since the sun is shining. It might be cold but I'll take it. That's what the hat and gloves are for.