Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Run 365 Eve! RSD364

As I'm laying in bed on the eve of day 365 with a sore knee and pain in my lower back, I can't help but think. Think that I only have one more run to go. Think of the previous 364 days and how many great runs I've had. How many times I wanted to sleep in or simply go to bed before the days run and just call it quits. 

Everyday hasn't been the best, fastest or most competitive run. But everyday has been a run. Whether it be one mile or many miles I was able to stick to my guns and go out there and accomplish my goal. My resolution I suppose. 

I encourage everyone to find their mile. Whether that be saving money. Buying a house. Losing weight. Whatever it is. Make sure that you can look through January and February and see your goal through till the end. Something that you can chip away at everyday and make progress towards every single day. I've learned so much throughout this venture and I wouldn't trade it for the world!  If this has taught me one thing it's been perseverance and a feeling that I can truly accomplish anything. Thanks for reading. 

Find your Mile. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015


As I head out for run streak day 339 I can't help but feel thankful for the ability and support to venture on this journey. It's been challenging. I've run in hotel fitness centers, foreign countries, up and down stairs, in a Las Vegas parking lot and in a damn airport. I've run 4 half marathons 1 full marathon a trail duathlon and a handful of 5k races. Through it all I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about throwing in the towel. Thinking, What do I need to run 365 days in a row for?  What do I have to prove?  I can always run again tomorrow. Is this even doing anything for me? 

It is doing something for me.  It challenges me. It allows me to dig deep and find passion and perseverence within.  It makes me feel as if I can accomplish absolutely anything.  If I was to give up on this goal and justify it with whatever reason I see fit then where else in life am I giving up?  I won't allow it. With only 26 days remaining failure is not an option. I will make this the best 26 days of running I've ever imagined. 

With that said. I'm off to enjoy #rsd339 since the sun is shining. It might be cold but I'll take it. That's what the hat and gloves are for. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Last days in Peru.

So I had this well crafted blog post that I was writing while on the plane to Cusco from Lima. Thought I had it saved and definitely did not so here goes my second post from Peru. 

I had my fears about running in Cusco. Not that it's a dangerous city because that isn't the case at all. Cusco sits nearly 12000 ft elevation. Running at this type of elevation was sure to be a daunting task. The day we left Lima I was able to get up early and run on the malecon once more before flying out to Cusco. This gave me a chance to adjust to the altitude upon arrival. Man was that much needed!  My first day in cusco I felt slight nausea dizziness and fell short of breathe easily. 

The first run wasn't too bad at all. I definitely could tell the difference in oxygen intake as I was struggling at a 12 minute pace. Cusco is an absolutely beautiful city!  Stone roads which look gorgeous but can be a pain to run on. Each run in cusco was from our hotel to the central plaza (plaza de armes) with a loop around that and back. Luckily my garmin gps watch worked here as well. 

Today was our visit to Machu Picchu and the town of aguas calientes. We arrived yesterday and after a small lunch I was able to run there for the day. The climate was very different and the altitude much lower. Extremely humid with killer Mosquitos everywhere! This run I took a dirt road that leads to Machu Picchu.  Since we were up at 4 am today in time to get to the gates before 6 am I opted to run after our trek.  After spending about 8 hrs at Machu Picchu summiting huayna Picchu as well as hiking to the grand caverna and temple de la Luna we headed back to our hostel for some food and then took a 3+ hour train ride back to cusco. 

With all that being said I just finished my run. The cusco town square is happening tonight and tomorrow we'll be headed back home at 2 am. Planning to get my 3rd run in before breakfast in cusco and enjoy the city one last time. Today was a very long, very exhausting day although absolutely amazing and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

I've added a couple pictures from my journey. One is of the stone roads in Cusco I was running on and the other is of Machu Picchu with Huayna Picchu (which we cloned today!) towering in the background. 

#kreedrun365 #run365 #rsd324 #keeprunning. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Running around the world.

So in the past 48 hours I've managed to run in two states and on 2 continents!  

During a 14 hour travel day yesterday I decided to run in a crowded Atlanta airport as one of my only options since we wouldn't arrive in Peru until 1AM. Running in a foreign country that I'm unfamiliar with at 1AM is a little more risk than I'd like to take. Luckily I was wearing my back pack so I just looked like a fool running to his terminal to catch a plane.... Until I made it to the end of a terminal and turned around and ran back. Awkward. Oh well. I'll never see these people again and it's for the love of the run!  

This morning was my first day waking up in Peru!  Literally across the st from our place is a running track at barranco tennis club. Planned to run there for the day and give myself time to explore later but since it was locked up for members only we decided to hit the streets of Lima.  My brothers gf, Teal (She has a great blog as well btw so check it out! came along on the run today and we had a beautiful run along the "malecon".  This is a sidewalk or boardwalk type of path that has amazing views looking out from the bluffs over the pacific. I'm so glad the track was locked and we decided to just run in the city instead. There's not many things i dislike more than running on tracks and treadmills. Not sure which is the lesser of the two evils. 

Running in a new city is one of the best ways to explore and discover new things!   We accidentally came across punta de Los suspiros. Or the bridge of sighs which is an iconic old wooden bridge that I planned to check out sometime this week. Otw back over the bridge there was a couple taking wedding photos looking back out at the ocean from the bridge. 

All in all its been a great start!  I'll end it here so I can enjoy a piscola and check out the city!  

#run365 #kreed #travelwithteal #gystpodcast #getyourshittogether #lima #peru #barranco #piscoandcola #piscola #salud

Friday, October 30, 2015

Run streak day 303 and happy as can be!

Just wrapped up a late night run for #rsd303!!!!  Had to watch the ducks and sun Devils game go into overtime!  Finished just in time for the weekend to set in. 

Today is my wonderful fathers birthday and I owe all my hardwork and dedication to him. He might not know it but he taught me how to be selfless and always do the right thing and leave no excuses for unfinished business. If there's a task at hand just do it. Sorry Nike, but today's mile was for pops. Love you dad!  

Happy Birthday! 

Monday, October 26, 2015


Wow. I made it to run streak day 299!  I haven't yet run today but I'll make sure it's a good one!  Never would I have thought that I would run this many days in a row. The human body is an amazing thing. 

Today I went in and got some vaccinations for my trip to South America. Damn near passed out after they stuck them needles in me!  I've never been a fan of shots and today was more evidence of that. I had to lay on the damn exam room table for a few before I left!  Anyway. Here's to hoping I don't pass out on my run this evening!  

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Happy Back to the Future Day!

In honor of today I've got a few friends over to watch btf2 on the projector and have some food and drinks. I was looking for something retro to commemorate this run with but the only thing I have that was around in 1985 is these old ass legs!    

So in honor of oct 21 1985 I'm running in my john Stockton shorts. Yup. You read that right. Shorts shorter than boxers. Shorts so short daisy duke wouldn't wear them. Shorts so tight you can see the nickel in my pocket and if it wasn't for boxer briefs.... Well you get the picture. 

Also, my Podcast launched on iTunes this week so go checkit out. "Get your shit together"is the name and the official website is 

Welcome to the future!  

Monday, October 19, 2015


Haven't posted since August?!?  I must be slacking. If you're reading this then I apologize for my lack of consistency on the blog. Although I am still running!  

Finished my second ever full marathon with friends down in Portland. Amazing event. The results weren't exactly what I would have liked but I finished!  Considering the minimal training I'm surprised at how well I did. Got some cramps around mile 17 and struggled through the rest of the race dealing with that. I ran in my Adidas supernova boost. Super lightweight and comfy for about 15 miles. I began thinking my Pegasus would have been a better idea for cushioning and a plush ride. Oh well. We live and learn!  

Looking forward to booking this trip to Peru this week to visit my brother. I hadn't really considered how the heck I'm going to run while away.  the town of Cusco which has an elevation of 12000 feet is where we'll be for a few days before heading to Machu Picchu. Here's to buying bottles of oxygen!!!!  


Monday, August 17, 2015

Getting Marathon Ready!!!

Ran a little over 12 miles today in preparation of the Portland City Marathon Oct 4th.  A good friend and running buddy of mine talked my into doing it a few weeks ago so here it goes! Didn't run quite as fast as I would have liked today however given the circumstance (75 degree weather and running through 5 mile drive trails in Pt defiance park) I'm happy with it.  I felt like I was running uphill the entire way!  

This weekend was a busy one.  helping my dad paint the house while squeezing in a long run was not an easy task none the less I was able to get it done!

hope everyone has a great week!  shout out to my boy Sam for working on his first half marathon for Oct 4th as well!  Looking at places to stay on airbnb as I write this!  :)

Monday, July 13, 2015

Worst Blogger Ever....

Good Morning!

I have got to be the worst blogger ever!  over 100 days since my last post?!?!?  Shout out to my boy Chris for calling me out on my blog asking for another post.

Here we are.  As I wake up on #RSD194 (still going strong even though my blogging has been non-existent!) which also happens to be my 33rd birthday, I can't help be feel overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed with support.  Overwhelmed with love.  Overwhelmed with joy.  Completely and utterly blessed.  Thankful for the ability to come out everyday and run.  No matter how far, or how fast, the ability in and of itself is truly a blessing.

Just before I began the month and reached my halfway point I had a conversation with my neighbor who was moving out.  His wife had been diagnosed with a condition called cerebellar ataxia.  This condition has caused her to lose coordination and most of her physical functions have been reduced to that of an 85 yr old woman.  This really put things into perspective for me.  I have had several conversations with Ken over the year or so we've been neighbors however I had only met his wife once as her condition kept her mainly indoors.  Over quite some time trying to assess her condition Ken had decided to purchase a 30 foot RV to call home so they can go and visit family in different parts of the country on their journey to an resort that they will call home until they decide their next move.  Ken's unwavering commitment to his wife is truly inspiring and letting go of everything including your career to make way for greener pastures is beyond amazing.  After hearing all of this I vowed that the month of July would be dedicated to Jacquie.  Everyday that I feel like relaxing or I'm "too tired" or my legs feel weak or "I don't have enough time".  I will remember the strength that Jacquie requires to fight her condition.  the strength it takes to overcome such adversity.  The strength that Ken has shown in everything he has done and will continue to do for his wife.  I will tap into that strength and continue my streak.  Each day I come back from a run a little piece of me wonders where they are on their journey now.....

With all that said Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and a special thanks to my GF for making me take today off and spend time with her.  I can't remember the last time I took a day off just because and it feels amazing.  Now only if I can truly ignore my work email.....

So with 194 days down it's too late to turn back now!  171 more days to go!  I really have to find some races to sign up for and get some more competitive running in!

Here's to not letting another 100 days pass before my next post!

Sunday, March 15, 2015


This week was a very busy and full of anxiety between running and my professional life.  I just accepted a new role with our Microsoft solutions specialist team for the North West territory.  This role brings along with it financial benefits as well as added responsibility and visibility.  I am definitely both very excited and nervous to begin this new journey.

As far running goes, just 10 days ago I signed up for my first half marathon of the year!.... which was yesterday.  Definitely had some doubts throughout the past week and a half so I went for a 10 mile run last Saturday morning.  This was all before heading to Leavenworth for a friends bday.  (mental note.  Never run 10 miles before sitting in a care driving 3 hours over the pass again)  My previous long run of the year was just over 5 miles as I had been primarily running 1 and 2 miles/day.  I would have liked to have planned a little better and trained for this one but none the less I finished in a decent time.  2:12:52 with 10:08 pace.  The course itself was much less flat than I expected!  looked like a basic out and back along the waterfront with a little neighborhood running in there as well but I did not anticipate all the hills that were mixed int between the 6 and 9 mile marks!  After coming back down all the hills we ran up it seemed like it would be smooth sailing on the way back along the straight flat waterfront road.  We had another thing coming.  Running into wind and rain the entire way back that seemed fitting for a damn episode of "The Deadliest Catch" was not what I had in mind!  (Okay maybe I'm embellishing a bit but it wasn't fun)  It seems that the running gods did not get a chance to reserve some time with the weather goods to make sure everything was in order.

During the pre-race shenanigans I ran into an old friend in the starting corral that had since moved to Portland and happened to be there running with her husband and father-in-law (who btw came in second place in masters!)  I also met some amazing people during the run around the 11.5 mile point and we pushed each other up the final hill in the wind and rain to the finish.  Shout out to my new running friends Eric and Mary!  Also shout out to my boy Patrick for coming out and to Nate for bringing out another first timer and good friend Shantel.  Last but not least I want to thank my wonderful GF for catching an uber early in the morning to come out and cheer me on to finish the race.  Your support means the world to me.  Thank you.

And now for todays RSD.  Heavy rain (worse than yesterday).  Around the same level of wind.  Sore legs. And a warm bed.  Definitely a recipe for staying home and catching up on some Netflix.  Today was not the most fun of all runs this year, and as many obstacles there were against me there was only one thing that mattered.  Getting in another mile for another day and continuing this streak. Yesterday was the first step in earning the "Crown of the Sound" half marathon series medal and today was another step towards my #run365 goal.  So happy early St. Patrick's Day and here's to another day in the books and raising a glass of Guinness with friends over a delicious Irish meal.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

run streak day 55 in the books! First day of the year that I've run indoors on a treadmill. I hate treadmills! Lol. Decided to mix in a resistance workout with my run today since I'm leveraging the hotel fitness room while traveling for work. I've discovered along the way that no matter how challenging something is if its made a priority it can be completed. The runs themselves are the easy part. Its the mental aspect that is the challenge everyday. When your work days become 14 hours due to travel and coworkers want to grab dinner and drinks afterwards. These things make it difficult to stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize. Its so much easier to go with the flow and and convince yourself that you've done a good job. 55 days is better than you've ever done. Truth is if the goal is 365 then although 55 is great, it isn't good enough. In order to reach your goals sacrifices will need to be made no matter the nature of the goal. Given the determination anything can be accomplished. If Jordan stopped after getting 1 ring then Kobe wouldn't be the player he is today trying to get 6 rings after 20 years in the league. Its that hunger that drives individuals to reach and exceeds goals. With that said im going to eat dinner now because im starving!!!! #rsd365 #cantstopwontstop

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Happy Valentines and Presidents weekend everyone!  #RSD46 and still going strong!  Was an amazing weekend as I was able to enjoy some amazing weather while spending the weekend in Ocean Shores with my wonderful lady. I planned to get one of my runs in on the beach but decided I would just knock it out as soon as I got home.

Hope all the run streakers and fellow runners are out there still going strong no matter the weather.  Tonight's run just at dusk allowed me to enjoy an amazing fire red sky from the afterglow of the sunset over the water near Chambers.  I've got a work trip coming up pretty soon here and I'm Starting to wonder where and how I'll be running.  Guess I'll figure it out when the time comes!  until next time....

#Run365 #RuntoLive #LivetoRun

Monday, January 26, 2015

He's Back!

I'm back!  I have been completely slacking on this blog haven't I!?!?  Well I guess as long as I keep running that's what's important.

Last I left this blog was before I went Skiing (attempted to) up at Crystal Mt.  That day was a struggle.  drove all the way up there testing out my new ski rack and the weather took a turn for the worst and it was raining and windy as hell.  We got there and the top half of the mt was on wind hold which meant there was really only one run and tickets were still selling for full price.  This was way too much money to me for one run in the pouring rain.  They had a big demo sale going on so I decided to shop and kill some time in case they decided to open up the mt or discount the lift tickets, of which they did neither.  Ironically enough they had a pair of skis that I had checked out at REI and Sturtevants a few weeks before and they were brand new demo skis with bindings.  And to me $65 for a lift ticket on a rainy day was too much money but I ended up spending $500 on new skis that day!  Ended up just having a beer and heading home for the day but I was super stoked to get new skis and I was able to get home early and get my run in!

The past couple weeks I've had my fair share of challenges and remained committed to #run365.  This past Friday was our annual work banquet which alot of coworkers call it our "prom".  It's a fun night to dress up and attend the annual awards ceremony with partner and company hosted dinner and drinks.  All of this sounds awesome but since I had to work early that day I forgot to set my alarm early enough to attempt a morning run.  Not being prepared for such I didn't bring any clothes to run during my lunch break either.  Leaving directly from work to the banquet gave me little time to do anything other than change into my formal attire and head out.  Shout out to my man D Groll for getting the after party started!  You'll have to give the new cats dance lessons in the yoga studio at work!  haha After deciding to go out for drinks with the guys post banquet the only option I had was to run when I got home.  Several drinks later I made it home for that late night run fueled with vodka tonics and Cab Sav, annnnnnd there might have been a shot or two of fireball in there as well.

So with an almost 2 week blogging hiatus, a new pair of skis and a drunken late night run in the books I'm as committed as ever to making this work.  I've got my eyeball on my first event of the year for Feb 8th and it's something I've never done!  Trail duathalon consisting of a 10k trail run and 15 mile trail bike ride.  Sounds right up my alley!  They've split the runs into two 5k's one being before the bike leg and one after.  This will be a great time to break out that underused Mt bike I have sitting on it's rack and put it to use.

With that said I'm signing off.    #run365

Thursday, January 15, 2015

It is absolutely pouring outside right now and the last thing I want to do is run outside in this weather yet all I can think about is reaching my goal and what jacket I should wear.

The upside to all this rain means that it's snowing in the mountains!  I'm planning to make it up to Crystal on Saturday for my first trip to the mt this season.  See if I can shake some of the rust off.  That's going to be a tough day to get this run in. Guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Looks like I'm off to get this run in before it gets any later.  Hope all goes well.  I had taco bell today.....  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Still at it like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest!

I'm back!!!!  13 days in and it feels great!  Everyday that passes I feel stronger and I cant wait to work my way back up into the teens for my long runs.  I've yet to have any long runs due to time constraints and other prior engagements.  All that being said there is always time.... if you make time.
The past few days have definitely been a test.  Saturday was a great short run.  Got out on the road in the late morning and I think it was 1 of only 2 or so runs in daylight this year.  I would have never thought I would get so much use out of a headlamp but damn that thing has come in handy!  Now maybe I can actually use it for camping/hiking soon.

After the run Saturday my gf and I decided to clean up some post holiday/new year mess that was still sitting around before meeting some friends to see Tommy Davidson perform stand-up.  We arrived at the show a little early to get in line and parking was of course difficult in downtown Seattle.  I ended up parking in Westlake Center parking garage and heading to the show.  The performers were funny and it was definitely a good time.  Upon returning to my car the parking garage was completely locked with big steel gates!  I had no clue this garage was not 24/7.  At that point it was late, my gf and I were tired, and she was wearing heels while we were walking in the rain and not happy with me at all.  (but wasn't it my car locked in a garage in downtown Seattle?)  Thank God my brother lives about 2 miles away from Westlake so we just hopped in a cab and crashed there for the night and returned for my car in the morning.  Thanks again bro!

Even after that exhausting Saturday night Sunday turned out to be an amazing day.  I got to spend some time with my dad, brother and his gf and watch some football.  We ended up having brunch together and just goofed around most of the day.  All this led to me taking another late night run on Sunday and putting that headlamp to good use!

Tonight as I'm laying in bed writing and reflecting on this evenings run in the brisk cold dry weather on this amazingly clear night, I cant help but think about how amazing the stars looked and how tiny we really are in comparison.  There is an entire world out there waiting to be explored.  This reminded me of something I've always thought of when setting goals.  As lofty as your goals may be it's important to always shoot for the moon, for even if you miss you'll still land amongst the stars.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Good morning and welcome back!  Been a busy few days and I've started to feel that making time for a quick run everyday has almost become an obsession!  I can't even focus on my day unless I know when I can squeeze in time for a run. I should probably start thinking the same thing about this blog......

I've been blessed with the amazing company of my beautiful lady on my runs the last few days.  Thursday was a nice night run after work from my house to the apple orchard and back as this has been my go to route since beginning this journey.  Friday was a little more difficult.

Friday I had to go in to work an hour early and had plans for date night and I didn't want that to postpone or delay my plans for the evening.  That being said I decided to get up a bit early and get my run in before work.  Good and bad idea all at the same time!  It was so damn cold outside I couldn't feel my face!  It was nice to get it done early and not have to worry about it after work.

I was again accompanied by my gf on that cold Friday morning.  I'm so impressed at her progression in such a short time with running.  She hasn't decided to attempt a streak in any matter but she enjoys coming out and running with me and supporting this journey of mine.  It seems every day she runs with me she sees improvement and loves it!  The joy in a new runners eyes and voice as they see themselves make strides towards better pace times and fitness levels is awesome to see!  She doesn't even know it yet but her elation with the progress that she has made is truly inspiring to me and makes me want to push even harder to reach my goals.

I guess that's my post for the weekend.  Off to get in this Saturday run and start my day!  I guess it's time to start looking at some events to run in....

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

ooooh wee!  The last thing I wanted to do after getting home from work tonight was run.  After driving to the Lakers game and going for the midnight run last night coupled with a crazy day at the office all I wanted to do was get some sleep.  I could not have been happier after I finished.  I decided I'd take the run tonight nice and easy and use it as sort of a rest day run with very low expectations.  I opted to wear compression socks today primarily for warmth and they were absolutely a huge help.  I have never really ran with them and opted to wear them more for recovery during training for longer runs.  Now I feel like I need to invest in more!.  When I got out there everything changed.  Attitude immediately took a positive turn.  Began to feel again like I could conquer anything!  

All in all it was an easy run and I have yet to run more than about 1.25 miles a day but if I've learned anything from this it's perseverance.  Everyday that I run, the light at the end of the tunnel gets that much brighter and the goal seems that much closer and attainable.  So here's to 359 more days of running and getting a few more bibs and medals under my belt! 

Just call him butter 'cause he's on a roll!

I made it!  So I might have missed a blog post but hey, the goal was Run365 not blog365.  Today was  definitely a tough one.

Yesterday I passed up dinner with friends for the run as the days activities ran longer than expected.  I told them I'd give a call once I was finished and I was able to knock out my run for the day and get cleaned up in time to make it for dinner before everyone wrapped up.  The weather was terrible.  cold rainy and windy.  Typical NW winter I suppose but that doesn't mean I have to like running in it!

Today started out as a typical post holiday Monday.  Tired and dragging on a bit while trying to catch up with what I missed.  I couldn't wait to get home go for my run, take a nice hot shower make some dinner and relax.  When out of nowhere while in a meeting at work I get a last minute invite to the Lakers game against the Blazers!  Now, I'm a huge Lakers fan and I've gone to one of their games in PDX for the last several years in a row.  This was simply an opportunity I could not turn down!  (Thanks again Kevin!)

Right after work we head down to Portland straight from the office (just south of Seattle) for the game.  I had already known earlier that day that Kobe was sitting out and would not be playing after his night against the Pacers and hitting the game winning shot.  This was a little disappointing not being able to see Kobe again but none the less I'm diehard Lakeshow so I was in!  Gave my keys to my roommate whom I had carpooled with today and was off to PDX.  The Lakers played well primarily carried by Jordan Hills performance.  They were able to hang in there with the Blazers and even led most of the second half and had a double digit lead in the 4th qtr before Damien Lillard absolutely torched us!  Hitting 3 after 3, contested shot after contested shot, driving to the lane for easy buckets.  We had no answer for him and ultimately lost by 4 pts.  All in all it was a great game and I definitely enjoyed it.

 As if working all day and driving to Portland and back for a Lakers game wasn't a busy enough day I also had to fit in my run.  Now had I known I was going to a basketball game in Portland before 330PM I could have planned this better and ran before work or even on my lunch break.  Since I did neither of those I was forced to grit it out once I made it back home around a quarter to midnight and hit the streets.   Here I am now showered and ready to lay my head down to wake up and do it all over again.  After a day like today I feel like nothing can stop me as I remain stalwart in reaching my goal of Run365.    As Stuart Scott would say "just call him butter, 'cause he's on a roll!"

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 3

Day 3 in the books!  Got the run in with my lady again today and it was damn cold again.  No rain but the roads were a bit wet.  I rarely ever run with a beanie on since I tend to get too hot but today I'm glad I had one!

I figured since I plan to put in quite a bit of miles this year I would need to rotate shoes to prevent wear.  Yesterday and today I ran in my Mizunos.  I haven't worn them in a while and they're pretty comfy.  Great cushion and responsiveness but there's something weird about how they hold my heel in.  Other than that from heel strike to toe-off they feel great.  I think I still prefer my flyknit lunars for race days but they'll make a great training shoe and I'd recommend taking a look at them.

As I'm wondering how boring and mundane this would be to read from a strangers point of view I'm also telling myself a few things.  This is my blog and it's sole purpose for me is not to be popular or get millions of views but to track my progress and hold me accountable.  So if you're reading this wondering when it will get interesting.... I don't know what to tell you.  Maybe I'll add a few crazy stories when I get tired of talking about my runs, or add some product reviews at some point.  Until then I'll keep waking up with the desire to run another mile and make another post about it.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 2 and I'm 2 runs in.  Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful and clear winter day here in the northwest.  Colder than a well diggers boot but absolutely beautiful day to open up 2015 for a run.  Little bit of soreness due to inactivity but other than that felt pretty good.  Just over a 9 min pace to get back into the swing of things and it was great.

Today marked my first night run of the year and the legs were feeling great!  Tonight I was accompanied by my amazing girlfriend that is a bit new to running.  She recently completed her first organized run last year during a trip to San Diego and I couldn't have been more proud of her.  Although, I'm not sure she enjoyed tonights run in the cold dark drizzly weather quite as much as I did.

All in all it's been a good first two days with really no distractions at all.  Looking forward to everyday and I find myself planning my day around my running.  Lets hope I can keep this motivation all year long!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The beginning....

Today marks not only a new year but also the beginning of two things completely foreign to me.  The first being this blog.  I'm not sure I even know what to do with a blog or what it's sole purpose should be.   I'm hoping that it's nothing more than some informative unstructured writing that should be at least mildly entertaining.  If that's the case I'm sure I can accomplish at least one of those things!  I've never been much of a writer and I don't fancy myself to be the creative type but I figured what the hell.  If this thing can help keep me accountable and accomplish one of my goals in life and for 2015 then I'm all for it.

The second thing that today marks is the beginning of my 365 day journey with run streaking.  (My entire purpose for this blog)  Now, unless you're a runner you may be asking " Kyle, wth is run streaking?"  When I heard of the concept that was definitely my first thought. The streaking part?  Now that's something  maybe I've done before after a few too many adult beverages I've got that down!  And running?  I've definitely done that!  But run streaking?  I never even considered it was "a thing".  To me the idea of Run365 seemed crazy.  To run at least 1 mile or more every day for 365 consecutive days.  To me this seemed too time consuming, too risky, too difficult and something that I considered impossible for my self to accomplish.  All this sounds a little crazy considering I was introduced to the idea by a close friend while training for my very first full marathon (which is another story in itself).  So all that being said, here's to a new year.  Here's to putting plenty of miles on my old knees and wearing out a few more pairs of Nikes (If you know me you know I have plenty!).  More importantly here's to taking advantage of the amazing ability God has granted me to put one foot in front of the other and run.  With so much of the world to see and so many others without the freedom to see it I'd be doing myself and others a disservice if I sat around and watched TV or played video games all day.  I may not be the fastest, and I might not be able to run the farthest but I can run damnit.  And this is my journey....