I'm back!!!! 13 days in and it feels great! Everyday that passes I feel stronger and I cant wait to work my way back up into the teens for my long runs. I've yet to have any long runs due to time constraints and other prior engagements. All that being said there is always time.... if you make time.
The past few days have definitely been a test. Saturday was a great short run. Got out on the road in the late morning and I think it was 1 of only 2 or so runs in daylight this year. I would have never thought I would get so much use out of a headlamp but damn that thing has come in handy! Now maybe I can actually use it for camping/hiking soon.
After the run Saturday my gf and I decided to clean up some post holiday/new year mess that was still sitting around before meeting some friends to see Tommy Davidson perform stand-up. We arrived at the show a little early to get in line and parking was of course difficult in downtown Seattle. I ended up parking in Westlake Center parking garage and heading to the show. The performers were funny and it was definitely a good time. Upon returning to my car the parking garage was completely locked with big steel gates! I had no clue this garage was not 24/7. At that point it was late, my gf and I were tired, and she was wearing heels while we were walking in the rain and not happy with me at all. (but wasn't it my car locked in a garage in downtown Seattle?) Thank God my brother lives about 2 miles away from Westlake so we just hopped in a cab and crashed there for the night and returned for my car in the morning. Thanks again bro!
Even after that exhausting Saturday night Sunday turned out to be an amazing day. I got to spend some time with my dad, brother and his gf and watch some football. We ended up having brunch together and just goofed around most of the day. All this led to me taking another late night run on Sunday and putting that headlamp to good use!
Tonight as I'm laying in bed writing and reflecting on this evenings run in the brisk cold dry weather on this amazingly clear night, I cant help but think about how amazing the stars looked and how tiny we really are in comparison. There is an entire world out there waiting to be explored. This reminded me of something I've always thought of when setting goals. As lofty as your goals may be it's important to always shoot for the moon, for even if you miss you'll still land amongst the stars.
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